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 二手 cue 買賣
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Posted - 22.09.2004 :  00:34:46  Show Profile  Visit %s1%'s Homepagedickhk Send dickhk a Private Message  Reply with Quote
我最近幫 Master Cue 的澳洲代理買了支新 cue (North West Cue 17 Oz),他們很Pro,還教了我很多關於 cue 的知識,以下的 Q & A,希望能和大家分享 :-

以下係我支新 Cue :-

Q : I got the cues on today, thanks, anyway, I will test it, however, it seems Omin or Master Cues’s, Are you are sure that it really made in U.K by Kevin Muncaster ?
A : If you know how to play you will not compare this cue to Master Cue or O Min, both of which are good value for the money and the beginner, but Thailand cues are not in the same league as UK cues, the timber used and the balance of the cues is incorrect, this cue was made by Kevin Muncaster for a Professional Player, you can ask Kevin yourself, quite franckly your insinuation is an insult, if you are happy with the lower grade MasterCue & the inferior O Min, play with them, just ask yourself why not one of the Worlds 150 ranked Professional play with either O Min or Master Cue, not even the Thailand Snooker or Billiard League uses them?? James Wattana just got a new cue from John Parris, he tired many of the Thailand cues and found them all to be the same, inferior, even your own Marco Fu has a cue made in Canada;;
I have a special John Parris snake wood butt and steamed pearwood shaft same specification and weight as the cue used by Stephen Hendry, an abso;ute Professional cue, you can buy that one, but the price is $ 1,560.00 the picture below is another cue made by Kevin Muncaster, this one is used by the Australian Billiards Champion Joe Minici (not for sale)


Q: Carl, I am looking for a Hunt’s 3/4 black label, Do you have comment on Hunt’s cue ?
A: Some of the old Hunt & O Byrne cues were ok, but nothing special, to whippy; the new Will Hunt cues are no better and the ones I have seen are worse then Master Cue or O Min.
Kevin De Roo makes good cues, expensive but good he made the cue for your Marco Fu.

The best cue Maker is John Parris, he has three levels of quality, if you are a really good player you should order a John Parris made to measure Cue which is about 600 pounds, his standard cues on the web site are also good but very expensive.

A lot of professionals in both England and Australia use a Cue custom made by Andy Bream, who used to work with John Parris, Andy lives and workes here in Perth and charges $ 650.00 for a custom cue, the current World Professional Billiards Champion Mike Russell from England also plays with a Cue made by Andy Bream, as do most of the Australian Professionals, there are also quite a few specialist Cue Makers in the UK like Kevin Muncaster, (who made cues for Tony Knowles, Tony Meo) Mike Wooldridge, Mast Cues from Wales (who made Cues for Mark Williams and Matthew Stephens) and Tony Glover is very good.
These are some of the cues made by Kevin De Roo, the second cue from the left is the style made for Marco Fu, Andy Bream cues are better;


This is the Andy Bream Cue made for Mike Russell


Andy Bream Custom Cue made for Matthew Bolton and Aust. under 18 Champ. Ben Judge who said the cue is better then his old John Parris, he now plays with the Andy Bream cue, you can have one made to your specification, length, weight and tip size for AUD$ 650.00 incl. Extension, the Japanese Snooker Champion just took delivery of the same style from Andy.


Q: Thanks ! I love Alex Higgins very much, some players love to follow his way until nowaday. Do you know what kind of cue he used on before ? Besides, I feel so sad that he is going to die from a rumour.
A: always sad when one has cancer but Higgins, whom I know very well, I played against him a few times when he was in Australia, has no one but himself to blame, he smoked and drunk all of his life to excess, all the time he was here he was totally drunk, and in trouble with the police a few times, not a very nice person at all, the cue he used was a Burwat Champion, you can still get them (some are fakes) on eBay in the UK, the better ones go for about 170 - 250 pounds.

What type and price are the Master Cue & O Mins cues that are available in Hong Kong?? I was in Hong Kong about 5 months ago, did not see any O/Min or Master Cues but I saw a lot of fake John Parris at Central
Market Area.


Posts 62

Posted - 22.09.2004 :  22:00:24  Show Profile  Visit %s1%'s Homepagelkawai Send lkawai a Private Message  Reply with Quote
how much and where u buy ar?
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Posts 156

Posted - 23.09.2004 :  00:56:20  Show Profile  Visit %s1%'s Homepagedickhk Send dickhk a Private Message  Reply with Quote
支cue係特價 cue ,要AUD 400 (包括 long extension. 保險和運費)。 他們在澳洲。E-mail 如下 :-

E-mail : Isargrund@bigpond.com
Contact person : Carl Aranda

支cue試過,都幾好,比我用緊果支 John Parris - Master Cue 還好,特別係平行點 (balance) 設計不錯。
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Posts 56

Posted - 28.09.2004 :  13:48:17  Show Profile Send SimonSo a Private Message  Reply with Quote
[updated:LAST EDITED ON Sep-28-04 AT 01:58 PM (GMT)]Thanks for your information Dickhk.

Could you provide more info.:
How did you pay the bill?
How long it took?
Is there a website showing their products?
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Posts 156

Posted - 28.09.2004 :  15:16:01  Show Profile  Visit %s1%'s Homepagedickhk Send dickhk a Private Message  Reply with Quote
They do not have website, the contact information as following :-

TEL: 0402 84 1111
Address :
222 Corncrake Court
Southern River WA 6110
Western Australia

It almost need 10 days to complete the deal. Maybe, you assume me very stupid, I sent him cash by reg. air mail. But it works ! Otherwise, you need to arrange the money by bank wire or money order.
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Posts 56

Posted - 29.09.2004 :  22:50:26  Show Profile Send SimonSo a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Thanks Dickhk,
I sent an email to Carl days ago but haven't received any respones so far. Any other email address?
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Hong Kong

Posts 988

Posted - 30.09.2004 :  12:57:49  Show Profile  Visit %s1%'s Homepageerichsung  Send %s1% an ICQ Messageerichsung Send erichsung a Private Message  Reply with Quote

Thank-you for your informations.
The cue that you bought, isn't it Craftman? Because the logo looks very familiar.

Eric the Potting Machine
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Posts 156

Posted - 30.09.2004 :  17:43:47  Show Profile  Visit %s1%'s Homepagedickhk Send dickhk a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Hi Simon,

I tried to contact Carl, and got the following reply :-


Simon is from Guangzhou, I did reply to him.


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Posted - 30.09.2004 :  18:32:10  Show Profile  Visit %s1%'s Homepagedickhk Send dickhk a Private Message  Reply with Quote
不是 Craftman。沒有任何關係。
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Posts 56

Posted - 05.10.2004 :  08:28:02  Show Profile Send SimonSo a Private Message  Reply with Quote
[updated:LAST EDITED ON Oct-05-04 AT 08:33 AM (GMT)]Thanks for your help Dickhk. I have received Carl's email. But I am so sorry for his service and attitude.

He hadn't told me the length and the weight of the cue in his first email. Therefore I sent an email to ask him for further information. He replied me by “This is the best Cue available in The Word …, so if yu want one let me know by return eMail otherwise I have no time to send eMails back and forth.” There wasn’t any information of the length and the weight of the cue in his 2nd email which is what I need. How can I place my order without knowing the description of the cue?

In conclusion, there is not any evidence to let me trust him.
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